After 9 days in Gulu District, the TAMTAM team has dropped down in all 6 parishes of the Koro Sub-county. With the leadership and guidance of Mr. Christopher and Dr. Beatrice from Kairos, much travel and coordination with 14 youth leaders and Village Health Team members, and the facilitation of local government officials, brand new nets have reached over 1,300 households. It has been an exciting time for the team, to see our many data files come to life as thousands of people gathered to receive nets. Our nets went out with malaria information and specific messaging about proper care and installation. With this distribution in Gulu, we also hope to learn about the effect of certain messaging on the use of the net in homes. The final follow-up phase will begin in early September, spearheaded by Ash.
LEFT: Curious neighbors watch a net installation, RIGHT: Village health worker, Alfred, installs a new TAMTAM net
We have learned a lot in Gulu and look forward to working there in the future. A job well done by all of our partners and cheers to all the kind people we met. In the meantime, plans are being hatched for a distribution through Kairos health clinic's weekly immunisation day...
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